DISARM is 3DOM No.3, a short-short digital comic containing a complete story in three panels.


The 3-panel layout appears at the end of this post:

DISARM panel 1 of 3
DISARM panel 2 of 3
DISARM panel 3 of 3

DISARM is my third 3DOM story, a short-short comic containing one complete story in three panels.

I draw these comics using Adobe Fresco, an iPad app. I’ve used Fresco for a couple of years to make digital paintings, but making 3DOM lets me push the app’s vector drawing capabilities.

I’ll discuss the many virtues of vector drawing in future posts, but the key takeaway for now (especially for fellow creators): Fresco exports those drawings directly into Adobe Illustrator files. In Illustrator, I can recolor and resize panels easily and quickly, which makes it easy to experiment and create page layouts. Illustrator is also an industry-standard tool for lettering comics — adding dialogue and effects to the story.

Speaking of process… during the past week I shared short drawing videos featuring DISARM’S “cast” on Instagram and TikTok. Check out those channels if that kind of daily behind-the-scenes stuff interests you.

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